Saturday, February 25, 2012

Babies: Blog 2

.The social norms of when and how old a women should be when she has children has changed so much over the years.  Before women in their twenties were getting married and having children, now most women do not have children until they are at least 30.  I swear every time I get on Facebook some girl from my high school is either pregnant or has had a child and my first thought is “girl what is wrong with you?”  If you think about,  the only reason I ask this question is because having children in your early twenties married or unmarried is something that many people don’t agree with anymore, getting married at a young age really isn’t acceptable anymore.  Right now, I am a single, 21-year-old college student, working a part-time job, whose parents still pay for some of my needs and wants.  If I were to have children now I really would not know what to do, sure, some maternal instinct would kick in, but financially and emotionally, I would not be ready.  I do not think I would be ready to give up my selfish way and give all my time and attention to a child, but most of all I would not be about to provided for it.
Somewhere in my future, I do see myself having children; in fact, I would like to have 3 boys and a girl.  In order for that to happen, I feel that I need to be in a stable place in my life where my children will have no concerns or worries.  If I were married, with a great job right now I see nothing wrong with going forward and having children only because then I know they will be well taken care of.  Overall, my thoughts on having children are that, though age plays a big part, it more so has to do with being financially and emotionally ready.  Both parents have to be willing to influence another human being in a manner that benefits society as a whole.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Healthy Behavior: Adolescents

With children, all things learned first start at home, whether it be from the parents, siblings or the TV shows they are able to watch.  Children are like little sponges, whatever you do or say, they absorb it and spit it back out with their own little twist to it.  The same goes with making healthy decisions for you and your children, if they see their parents sitting on the couch eat a cheeseburger, what do you think they will want to do?  Setting an example of a health lifestyle is very important for young children development and their future as adults.  The behaviors they learn as young children will most likely follow them on through adulthood.  So what can be done to encourage this behavior early on?  First of all children are naturally active, so let them use all of that energy.  Placing children in sports, dance classes, or just encouraging them to play outside with other children instead of playing video games, watching TV, or on the computer are great ways to keep them active. 
Secondly, getting children to eat healthy is equally as important as keeping them active.  As children, they have little say about what they want to eat, sure, some children can be picky eaters but if parents are putting the right foods in front of their children, they are still getting their proper nutrition.  Life can sometimes be hectic and there is not always time to make a healthy home cooked meal but there are always better choices than the drive thru window.  Planning meals or teaching children how to prepare simple meals helps eliminate the stress of preparing meals and still give children a healthier option. 
Now since children are not always under the supervision of their parents, it is still up to the parents, health educator, and community individuals to make healthier choices available out side of the home for children to take advantage of.  Once children are constantly expose to health behavior choose, making healthy decision will become second nature.